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YouTube Associates
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YouTube Associates

Organizations these days leave no stone unturned when trying to make their presence felt in any form of social media. It may be Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, or any other form of social media. Until now it has been a major challenge for webmasters to manage the social media of users/colleagues. The question was always how to determine which user can take action on whose behalf at which sites or services.

To overcome this problem, Google recently added a new feature that allows webmasters to designate roles to users.  Webmaster can now easily add associates – trusted users who can act on behalf of the website on other Google products. However, associates can only perform the activities they are allowed to. Their roles are predefined and boundaries are set. This helps in keeping a check on unauthorized user activities.

As a first step, members of the YouTube partners program that have created a YouTube channel for their site can now link the two together. This enables the YouTube channel to appear as an official channel for your website. Please refer to the help forums for additional details.

Google has announced that the YouTube associates program will also support integration with additional Google products in the future.