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Google Search

Avi Kumar

14 Tips for Writing Engaging Content

I can’t teach you to write engaging content in the space of a blog. I‘m not sure I’m even qualified to try. I can, however, offer as many tips as I can that I’ve picked up along my content marketing journey throughout my career.

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Avi Kumar

Introducing Google’s Webmaster Academy

Continuing education is very important for webmasters, especially given the constant addition of all the new features to websites, as well as the analysis required. Webmasters are flooded with an enormous amount of data when starting up a website.

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Avi Kumar

Google+ Badges

In November, 2011, when Google launched Google+ pages, they also released Google+ badges to promote Google+ on websites. These Google+ badges are now out of preview, and available on all websites and for all users.

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Avi Kumar

Google Snippets

Almost every time we search on Google we have a pretty good idea about what we are looking for, but as the results are displayed, we need more details so we can see which sites suit our requirements the best.

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Avi Kumar

Googlebot for Smartphone

Accompanying the trend of increasing smartphone sales, a number of websites have recently started providing content specifically designed to be accessed on smartphones. Googlebot-Mobile has now initiated a crawling smartphone user-agent, in addition to its previous feature phone user-agent.

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Avi Kumar

Google Search: GET or POST

Google continues to update its crawling and indexing capabilities. Most recently, Google has improved its indexing of Flash, and came out with a very robust infrastructure called Caffeine. With increased usage of JavaScript and AJAX, it has been noticed that more and more pages require POST requests.

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Avi Kumar

Site Health

Webmasters are typically very busy people. With dozens of websites to manage, they have no time to waste. So to help out busy webmasters, Google Webmaster has come up with a new idea to represent “site health”.

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